Men's nails, hands and feet: the art of manliness!

Hi dearies, i believe you are enjoying your weekend and as well as having a lovely day. This post is about men's nails hands and feet grooming habit. Did i hear you just say its for the guys alone, Na! you are wrong.This post is for everyone, yes even thought it addreses men but ladies share this with your man even that friend of yours. Ladies help your man with his grooming habits, yes help him. When i say help him dont give me side eyes lolzz, you can do that by helping him to purchase the grooming kit and the rest is simple. Gone are the days where manicures are a luxury just for women! Whether you indulge in a professional manicure or do one yourself at home, regular hand, feet and nail maintenance is a grooming necessity.
Your hands and nails are often involved in making a first impression, and implementing a regular hand, feet and nail care regimen will help make the best first impression possible.
Aside from keeping your hands, feet and nails looking their best, they will also feel much better. Regular use of lotion, for example, can help prevent painful cracking and bleeding, particularly during this winter months when the air is dry.
Ladies should welcome your touch, not recoil from it. But if you have long nails, frayed cuticles, or gnarly hang nails, that’s exactly what could happen. “A guy’s hands don’t have to be perfectly smooth, but they should be clean and well kept, it shows that he cares about all aspect of his hygiene".Men's nails grow faster than women's. Also, they are larger and thicker. This is how nature sees it appropriate. But the fact that men's nails grow faster and are larger, means that they also are prone to more bumps and bangs. Add to this the fact that generally men more often have jobs that involve physical labor, which makes their hands and nails dirty, and you will see why washing your hands once a day is not enough if you are to maintain a decent level of personal hygiene. A man's nails  should be no longer than the width of a dime. This should be achieved with the help of a nail clipper. The small one is fine. (The big one is for toes.)

* Don’t Clip Too Low
Start by resting the clippers—don’t push inward—on your nail and clip no more than three to four times per nail following its natural curve.
* Smooth The Edge
Next, smooth out your nail with a file, to even out the edges until you have a slightly rounded shape—keep it squared off near the edges if you get ingrown nails easily. That same tool is handy for cleaning under your nails and pushing back your cuticles.
The Bare Minimum
If you’re at a loss for time, or simply don’t want to “waste” time on your hands, at least make the effort to regularly (i.e., once a week) take care of your nails. Keep them short and clean underneath the tips, scrub your feet to ride them off dried skin shells You can purchase a nailbrush for minimal cost at any drug store and you can also purchase a feet scrubbers for less than you think. Simply brush the tips of your fingers to remove dirt from under the nail. Also, brush across the tops of your nails.
Additional Care
The skin on your hands and feet can become dry and rough very easily. Those who use their hands a lot may also develop tough calluses. To remove calluses, use a pumice/scrubbing stone or other tool designed for callus removal. Be careful not to remove too much skin, as this can be painful, but do try to remove as much of the buildup as possible. Follow this with a quality moisturizer. Some are specifically designed for men or for dryer skin, if this is a problem
Once a week, exfoliate the skin on your hands and feet. There are products available for this purpose, or you can use a simple home remedy. Combine white sugar with baking powder and gently rub your hands and feet separately  for 15 minutes or so, then wash and moisturize with vaseline.

It is gentlemanly to have a well kept hands, feet and nails. Its simply adds to your attractiveness. Give your hands, feet and nails the attention they deserve then thank me later *winks*


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