
Showing posts from November 13, 2015


    Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary need. Food is comprised of nutrients that are classified by their role in the body.    There are six(6) classes of nutrients : Water Protein Fats Carbohydrates Mineral Vitamins Water    The chemical formula H20, water is a transparent fluid. It appears in nature in all three(3) common state of matter( Solid, Liquid and Gas).    The importance of water can not be over emphasized because water is life. Importance of Water    Water makes up more than two thirds of human body weight and without water we would die in a few days.    The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% water, lungs 90% water, the body cannot work without it. Water is odorless tasteless and inexpensive.    One should ensure frequent drinking of water to help balance the body hormones and to regulate the functioning of the bo...

What Are The Qualities To Look For In A Partner

Every individual have categories of qualities he/she wants in a life partner. Here are some helpful tips on qualities to look for in a partner; Maturity  Being “grown up” isn’t merely about a boyfriend who always hold the door for you or a girlfriend who applies all sorts of makeup to look perfect. These qualities are nice, but to truly grow up means making an active effort to recognize and resolve negative influences from our past. An ideal partner is thus willing to reflect on his/her history and is interested in understanding how old events inform current behaviors. When people mature emotionally, they are less likely to repeat past relationship mistakes  onto their current relationships. They develop a strong sense of independence and confidence. As they evolve within themselves, they are less likely to look for someone to compensate for shortcomings and weaknesses or to complete their incompleteness. Instead, they’re looking for someone to share life wi...