Men must read. Things not to do on your first date with a new lady.
Hello fam, trust you all had a wonderful weekend, its almost end of the year and i give thanks on behalf of me and you for making it this far! God has indeed been faithfull. So today i wish to share the ladies mind with the men about the first date out, you might think you know it all but believe me no one does. So lets go into the few details am opportuned to share with you.
First date is for getting a feel of the other person's sensibilities, discovering what they like and dont like and how much of that you have in common. The right way to do this is to begin slowly, be confident, it is attractive to women because it makes you seem at ease with who you are and who you represent.
1. Always be on time.
2. Smell good, not like a cabbage trash( mouth, nose,body)
3.Dont at any point talk about your bank account or how much your father have, its simply bragging.
4. Dont ask why she is still single, that's not why you asked her out.
5. Appearance is everything (shave neatly, dress simple)
6. Dont talk about or compare her to your ex even if they share resemblance, Keep that to yourself till the relationship progressed.
7. Dont ask if she is a virgin or the number of men she has been with.
8. Keep your eyes above her neck, dont concentrate on her chest and dont allow your eyes to be wandering about.
9. Dont say negative things about her hair or weight, keep that to yourself.
10. Dont try to get her drunk and dont get really drunk yourself.
2. Smell good, not like a cabbage trash( mouth, nose,body)
3.Dont at any point talk about your bank account or how much your father have, its simply bragging.
4. Dont ask why she is still single, that's not why you asked her out.
5. Appearance is everything (shave neatly, dress simple)
6. Dont talk about or compare her to your ex even if they share resemblance, Keep that to yourself till the relationship progressed.
7. Dont ask if she is a virgin or the number of men she has been with.
8. Keep your eyes above her neck, dont concentrate on her chest and dont allow your eyes to be wandering about.
9. Dont say negative things about her hair or weight, keep that to yourself.
10. Dont try to get her drunk and dont get really drunk yourself.
Note: please be yourself, that is the best way to enjoy the date, its all about getting to know each other. Please keep your phone away, your phone makes you closer to someone in a distance bt it makes you distanced from someone beside you.
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