Ladies! Must read relationship advice.

Do you find yourself getting frustrated by your man to no end?
Or do you worry your man isn’t into you the way he once was?
It starts off perfectly, just like they say it would in fairytales.

It’s all bliss and romance for a good year or two, and then, things just start to change.
And that perfect romance you once found just vanishes into thin air, right before your eyes.

Many women say they try hard but they just can’t make relationships work. A few others say they had no idea when the relationship started to go bad. But in reality, all of us know what we need to do to fix a relationship all the time!

But we procrastinate, assume the effort is just not worth the hassle, or we’re too egoistic to bend over. So if you really want your relationship to work out, just keep one piece of advice in mind.Trust your instincts.

Well, it’s never too late to change your romance stars and bring love and happiness back into your life.  Below are some advice that are useful and could help me make that needed change and betterment you need. Beside never stop learning, it makes you powerful! Yes i say powerful.

#1 Play with him
Playfulness is the one thing that holds a happy relationship together more than anything else. Just because you’re past your childhood doesn’t mean you should act all grown up all the time!
#2 Stop it
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Likewise, don't make excuses for your own bad behviour. Take action, make change, and created the life you deseve.
#3 Dont
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy. (That means you need to find your own happiness first... And remember: Happiness is a journey, not a destination.)
#4 It never works
Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. And don't try to change himeither, it just doesn't work. The only person you can change is yourself
#5 Yes avoid them
Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't take responsibility when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
#6 Don't
Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are, even if he has more education or a better job. And don't ever make him feel less important than you are either.
#7 Don't be insecure
 Don’t let your insecurities get the better of you. Sex appeal is all in your mind and how you project yourself. Be confident, find your self esteem and take it with you always. Let it stick in your head that you are beautiful! ofcourse you are, infact more than you think you are. 
#8 Don't be too dramatic
No guy likes a drama queen especially if she goes looking for ways to complicate the relationship.
#9 Men can’t read minds
As convinced as you are that men should have the innate ability to read a woman’s mind, they really can’t. So speak your mind and he will listen to your thoughts.
#10 Be whole
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you. A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. Look for someone complementary, not supplementary.
#11 Always listen first
Listen to his point of view  to his point of view before arguing back or cutting across him. It’s the easiest way to prevent tempers from rising. And don’t be condescending either!
#12 Be his shoulder to lean on
As macho as he seems, he’s almost always a child who needs a woman’s love to give him emotional strength.
These tips could seem pleasantly easy to follow. But as you read these relationship advices, do you really think you’re following all these tips in your own love life? Sit down and talk to yourself, be the change you want to see in others, be the best of yourself and you will attract your dream man.


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