The First Thing She Cant Do Without III(for men)

   The weeks went by, and one day they found themselves alone together in a secluded spot they had choosen for a hurried lunch. As they pack up to leave, Kate's hand touched Kunle's and she gave it a squeeze.
   Kunle responded with an especially  affectionate hug, and what followed came so naturally and beautifully Kate couldn't believe it.
   Making love with Kunle was the most exciting experience of her life, because she knew he cared so much for her.
   In the following weeks they slipped off together as often as possible for passionate love making. Having sex with Kunle Was Wonderful because Kate could release all her emotions and become thoroughly involved.
   Kate simply felt so starved that she was literally hugged into having an affair.

To most women affection symbolizes security, protection, comfort and approval, when a boyfriend/husband shows his girlfriend/wife affection, he sends the following messages:

* I'll take care of you and protect you. You are important to me, and i dont want anything to happen to you.
* I'm concerned about the problems you face, and i am with you.
* I think you have done a good job, and I'm so proud of you.
   A huge can say any of the above. Men need to understand how strongly women need these affirmations. For the typical wife, there can hardly be enough for them.
   Men must get through their heads this vital idea: women find affection important in it's own right. But it has nothing to do with sex. Most of the affection they give is not intended to be sexual.

* On a scale of one to ten, with ten being "very affectionate," how affectionate am i toward my wife/girlfriend? How would she rate me?
* Is affection the environment for our entire relationship/marriage?
* In what specific way do i show my girlfriend/wife affection?
   Because men tends to translate affection into sex so readily, i put emphasis on learning sexless affection.


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