
Men's Hottest Aso-Ebi Styles Inspiration.

Honestly speaking, am yet to see a man who doesn't look good in aso-ebi or native wears. Getting the african fabric styled simple and neat can make a man look calm, fascinating and irresistible. Dearest ladies please make it a point of duty to help your man look good always, motivate them by buying the fabric and having it styled so dope that he wouldn't believe he owns the reflection in the mirror lol.  Below are some styles worth stealing for that next appointment with your fashion stylist. Dont be left out of the fun of aso-ebi, showcase your African culture through the fabrics and rock any of these styles, then let the world catch the fever. Ahahahah.

Inspiration! Inspiration!! Inspiration!!!

Hello beautiful people, this is to kick start the weekend that promises to be colorful, fun-filled and refreshing. So lets get it started with this beautiful inspirations aimed at strengthening and keeping you focused. Let it begin The best place to begin is always with Gratitude. Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and encouragement, share your wisdom and radiat love. The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become. Be you, the world will adjust. Today is going to be a great day.

Women's Aso-Ebi Style Inspiration

   "Clothes ain't going to change the world, the women who wear them will."  Aso-Ebi are African fabric and styles that help showcase the african culture. I recommend men to step up their romantic nature because this post is not for just the women folks, why gift your woman a nice quality african fabric and a picture of how you want it to styled for her. Trust me on this she will be over the moon and i tell dont be surprise when you get special treatment afterward! Its her small way of saying thank you. Here are style inspirations for the african fabrics. Looking good is every woman's business, dont be left of such business!

Do's and Don't of a relationship

There are a lot of rules for the smooth running of a relationship, also are the don't that are considered the enemies of relationships. Most of us are not aware of most of those rules while some of us just choose to ignore the rules without considering the importance and impact such knowledge will do to our relationships. Below are some of the important  do's and dont that can help shape our relationships for the better. The Do's 1. Be Patience 2. Be Humble 3.Be specific 4.Be Accountable 5. Be Strong 6. Be Totally Open 7. Take things slow 8. Be Supportive The Don'ts 1. Be Judgemental 2. Be a Know-it-all 3. Take the bait if provoked 4. Be mysterious 5. Use your partner as a bad example in any conversation 6. Push too hard 7. Pretend 8. Overreact

Miniature Fashion Inspiration.

Dressing your little one in a miniature style is absolute fun. Yes! Kids can be so adorable that even the slightest giggles from kids can light up one's heart. Their moments of their laughter is a soul lifting colorful time that most parents and individuals like me always look forward to, and there is no amount of diamond or Gold that can outshine the brightness such feelings bring. There are absolute countless ways to put priceless smiles on the faces of those precious little ones and one of these ways is dressing them up in the exact style/fabric that you yourself have chosen to dress in, below are some fabulous miniature style inspirations. Please be sure to take enough photographs on such occasions, for future viewing.                                                             ...

Relationship Inspiration.

When you find a good woman, you'll be a better man. Ladies, if your primary objective is to be sexy...then you'll attract men who's primary objective is to have sex. Your relationship should be a safe haven not a battle field, everyday the world is hard enough already. While you are busy looking for the perfect person, you'll probably miss the imperfect person who could make you happy perfectly. Dont dwell on the people who broke your trust, concentrate on the people who still have faith in you.