
Natural ways to exfoliate your skin

One of the key steps to having radiant, younger looking skin is to get rid of old, dry, dead skin cells. And the best way to do that, is to exfoliate. New skin cells are created in the skin’s inner layer (dermis). As they form, the old dead skin cells are pushed to the outer layer of the skin (epidermis). These dead cells gradually flake off. But some of them hang on for too long, making your complexion look dull & rough which clogs your pores causing acne & other face blemishes. Exfoliating the skin removes these dead cells and the good thing is, you can make natural home made exfoliants for you skin which can be done at least 3 times in a week. No need to bother about going to spa if you can not afford it and even if you can't afford it, it is still advisable that you exfoliate your skin at home. Here goes some DIY natural exfoliants.... Basic baking soda scrub The range of what baking soda can do just seems to be getting wider and wider, remember when I tol...

Getting started

hello everyone! this is my very first blog post on this blog, and as the day goes by i shall be sharing alot on God, life, love, fashion, beauty, style, fitness and more    pls feel free to share your thoughts and opinion in the comment section #gracias#