Do's and Don't of a relationship

There are a lot of rules for the smooth running of a relationship, also are the don't that are considered the enemies of relationships. Most of us are not aware of most of those rules while some of us just choose to ignore the rules without considering the importance and impact such knowledge will do to our relationships. Below are some of the important do's and dont that can help shape our relationships for the better. The Do's 1. Be Patience 2. Be Humble 3.Be specific 4.Be Accountable 5. Be Strong 6. Be Totally Open 7. Take things slow 8. Be Supportive The Don'ts 1. Be Judgemental 2. Be a Know-it-all 3. Take the bait if provoked 4. Be mysterious 5. Use your partner as a bad example in any conversation 6. Push too hard 7. Pretend 8. Overreact